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Professional Makeup Artist
Jakarta - Bali
Wedding Makeup Graduation Makeup Fashion Makeup Glamour Makeup
Be Your BEST!
Have you ever jumped out of an airplane? Gone scuba diving with sharks along the Great Barrier reef? Climbed El Capitan?
We all dream of walking on the "wild side".
For that next party you can be the one that gets everyone's attention. Wild, unconventional, on the edge.
KALÓS GLAMÔUR will create that unique look to get you noticed - and never forgotten!
Unleash your inner animal with a makeup session with us.
Contacts us for a price quote.

Contact Us
Book Your Makeup Session Here!
For Information, E-Mail, WhatsApp, or Chat With Us!
Jl. Cucur Timur VII, Blok A-10, No. 1
Bintaro, Pondok Aren,
Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15225
WhatsApp +62 811-8832-007
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